Control sequences contained in the aforementioned document are included here with some exceptions. I removed from this list any control sequence not supported by plain TeX. It is currently my belief that this document details the control sequences in some form of AMS TeX. There were some control sequences that contained the character '@'. It is my understanding that the intention behind using a '@' character in a control sequence is to signify that the control sequence is private. I have therefore removed all control sequences that include '@'.
Continuing along this line of reason, I chose not to extend this naming restriction to user defined control sequences. They are recognized as being of the form \[a-zA-Z@][a-zA-Z@]* In other words, a user defined control sequence is prefixed by a backslash '\' and contains one or more characters from the set of letter characters union '@'. If you were silly enough to reassign your escape character then this package isn't for you, and I'm sure you've realized by now that there really aren't any syntax highlighting packages available for your exotic dialect of TeX.
Take some time and assign a color scheme that makes sense for you. Syntax highlighting can illuminate some simple typing errors and improve your programming by allowing you to quickly and effortlessly identify key structures in your code.
This is a work in progress. Eventually, with enough experience programming TeX, I should have a better idea of how to categorize everything, and a better idea of what there is to categorize. It's just a matter of working with this xml document always open and making adjustments when the opportunity arises.
Any unrecognized control sequences of the form "\[a-zA-Z@]" are considered to be user defined.
In the course of preparing this package I have consulted the famous TeXbook many times. I'm sure I can't say anything positive about this book that hasn't already been said. It's the first book an ambitious student of plain TeX should read, and if it's the only book you read on TeX it's probably enough.
Knuth, Donald. The TeXbook. Twentieth Printing. Addison-Wesley:
Reading, MA, USA, 1991.
After absorbing the material in the TeXbook I found an excellent electronic reference manual through the ubiquitous internet. For someone that appreciates explicit, rigorous and thorough language definition this is an ideal programmer's companion. A printed copy can be purchased and the PDF version can be downloaded free of charge through the author's website.
Eijkhout, Victor. TeX by Topic. Reprinted 1993. Addison-Wesley:
UK, 1991.
As I am a prolific Googler, many random and forgettable forums, blogs, wikis, and all manner of dubiously monickered digital media were consulted while preparing this package. I think I can safely say that if I had confined myself to the following few websites I would have found everything I needed.
The American Mathematical Society
It may not be standard to include bibliographical information for such a small computer program, but if you don't recognize any of these sources then I have provided you with a great service. Contained in these references are answeres to all you'll ever want to know about TeX and probably more. I wish I had read comments just like these several months ago!
Starting with the documentation noted, I have extracted and categorized the following control sequences and syntactic entities. There are many more entities in the body of code than are not listed here. These are just the ones that I have taken special care to highlight.